These 5 things Are What Moms Really Need At Their Baby Shower

Virtual baby shower

It hit me the other day… 

It’s been 20 months, and I still haven’t had to purchase any wipes for my daughter...

All because I had gotten a glorious amount of diapers and wipes during my baby shower. 

Among all the precious gifts I received, I would say that these essentials have saved me SO much time and money.   

Don’t get me wrong; I got a lot of other items that I still use to this day like the diaper genie, a car seat, and a stroller.   

But in a blink of an eye, my once tiny infant is now a headstrong toddler. 

AND now my stash is quickly running out, but I’m thankful (and quite honestly surprised) that it’s lasted me this long.

But now, as a mama of an almost two-year-old, I find myself thinking about my first experience of motherhood and what — if anything — would I do differently if I were to find myself expecting baby #2.  

With everything that I know about postpartum — my rollercoaster of emotions, the jarring adjustment period, the surprising and intense loneliness — how could I have supported myself in pregnancy that I didn’t think to do then that would have made a world of difference now?  

As we have more candid discussions of motherhood and postpartum, it’s only natural the conversation transforms into preventative and awareness methods for our mothers-to-be so they feel as prepared as possible for their 4th trimester.  

And this can start as early as pregnancy in a fun, joyous setting like a baby shower.  

Let’s talk more about how we can support expectant mothers with 5 non-traditional gifts that focus on their emotional journey into motherhood. 

Postpartum Care Package  

We’ve mentioned before some of the key items that should be included in a postpartum care package.    


This is likely not going to be on anyone’s registry for a number of reasons: 

  1. There’s A LOT of items on this list 

  2. Care packages involving childbirth recovery can be considered private and personal  

  3. It’s not something a mom-to-be is thinking about right now. She’s thinking about her precious bundle and all the things he or she will need 

If you’re going to gift something like this that’s intended for childbirth aftercare, it’s important to get creative with its presentation to not only be aligned with the celebratory atmosphere of a baby shower but to also honor and acknowledge that mama is just as important. 

Include a personal note/card to the mom-to-be explaining why you decided to go this route in an encouraging and supportive way that gets her thinking of her own needs.  

Gifting a Postpartum Service  

We put so much work into getting ready for the baby during our pregnancy, that we often forget about what comes after childbirth.  

Or — you’re anything like me — you do actually think about what you need during postpartum, but find that you could’ve done WAY more to make it easier on yourself. 

We must prepare for this stage with the level of attention that we devote to preparing for the arrival of our baby. 

This is an essential part of getting ready for motherhood: preparing your heart and your mind for one of the most delicate and emotional transitions in life.  

While it may not be as flashy as a’s one of the most long-lasting, impactful, and empowering services that can be provided to any woman who is about to enter motherhood.  

If you’re close with an expectant mother in your life, this will likely need her input for two reasons: 

  1. Some services are insurance-based (like ours!), which makes it easier for mom to focus on her emotional needs. It’ll be good to get her thoughts on financial feasibility, her impressions of the prospective providers, etc.

  1. We still want to be sensitive in how we approach our mothers-to-be — and their comfort level -— with starting a preventative care program. Services like the ones we offer are meant to empower, strengthen, and build the healthiest outcomes for women who are struggling. But it’s also meant to provide the skills to cope with more difficult situations and educate on the final stages of pregnancy and postpartum. It’s important that mama understands why it’s so important to have these types of services as part of her overall journey through motherhood.  

You can read about our own services here so that you can get a better idea of how this process works!   

If you’re still on the fence about a particular service because you’re not sure what mama would prefer, you can also consider gifting a general postpartum planning session or lactation consultation (if mama plans to breastfeed).  

Both of these sessions arm mama with the knowledge to have a happier, healthier, and more enjoyable postpartum period. 

Postpartum Subscription Box   

Talk about the gift that keeps on giving! 

Depending on what subscription box you decide to go with, you’ll be able to send these special gifts on a regular basis.  

These carefully curated packages are dedicated to postpartum recovery containing everything they need to feel better during those early months of motherhood.  

It’s important to understand that for some mamas don’t feel like themselves at the beginning, especially if she’s having a particularly tough postpartum. You never know when a package may be exactly what she needs to feel uplifted. 

Who wouldn’t want a beautiful gift delivered right to their doorstep that’s designed to meet their needs? 

Here are some that you can check out to get some inspiration going!  


I’m talking Amazon, Audible, Instacart…

Services that are easy, reliable, and quick. 

I thought that I would have time to cook meals like I did before baby arrived. 

I was VERY wrong, and it wasn’t until I finally had a routine that worked for me and my daughter that I started cooking regularly again.   

But this didn’t come right away.

While I was able to prep and freeze meals in anticipation of bringing home a newborn — and yes, this can be a total life-saver some days — sometimes mamas won’t have the energy to go through the motions of preparing a meal. 

OR, something comes up and we need to run to the store ASAP, but the thought of going out to get essentials with a newborn is just too daunting.  

This is where a good ol’ membership comes in to save the day. If you notice that mama doesn’t already have some of these memberships or something similar, consider gifting her one that she’ll truly need to make life easier. 

Sleep Package 

One of the best gifts I ever received at my baby shower was this: 

A sound machine. 

And that’s because one of the hottest topics in motherhood is sleep. 

How do you get more sleep? 

What helps baby sleep so that MOM can sleep?  

Mamas (and parents in general) are just tired. Either we’re not sleeping cause we’re anxious about our babies, or we’re anxious about everything else.  

But as it turns out, feeling rested and getting some sleep makes a HUGE difference in our moods. Here’s what you can do to help alleviate some of the fatigue in your expectant mother’s life:

Gift her a sleep package! 

She might have some of these already on her registry, but you can get really creative with putting a package together that’s dedicated to all the items that are conducive to getting some much-needed rest: 

  • A solid sound machine (mimics the sounds of the womb to help soothe baby to sleep)

  • Different types of swaddles (more than likely, mama will need to try a couple to see what works best for baby. What works for baby, may not work for another)

  • Blackout curtains to get a room nice and dark (this will help regulate baby’s internal clock, especially when they initially have their nights and days mixed up) 

  • Happiest Baby SNOO (these get pricey, so only if this is within budget and mama wants one) 

  • Baby monitors or Owlet (helps ease mama’s anxieties during the night while baby sleeps)

  • Comfy clothes for mama  

  • A sleep mask 

Another alternative would be to book her a session with a sleep consultant. These are wonderful, detailed services that get mama ready with tips on how to optimize the baby’s nighttime routine so that everyone can get a better night’s sleep.


Mama, we would love to hear from you. Did we miss anything? What other postpartum ideas can you think of that would be unique yet extremely helpful during a baby shower? 

Leave a comment below!