Postpartum Quarantine Survival Kit

Hey there beautiful mama!

You may have spent months preparing for your little one to arrive and the postpartum period following. You may have read books, took classes, and even signed up for Mommy and Me social events. You may have done everything you could in order to help alleviate those postpartum blues. Or, you may have struggled to prepare for your baby due to other life circumstances. 

Whether you feel confident and prepared for your postpartum months, or you feel anxious and uncertain, having a newborn is hard. Having a newborn while having to quarantine is even harder and a situation you probably didn’t prepare for. I mean...did you ever think there would be a global pandemic after you just had a baby?

The postpartum months can be isolating in itself. Many mothers even choose not to leave the house for a period of time in order to heal, bond and strengthen the baby’s immune system. On the other hand, many mothers also find it helpful to get out and socialize to alleviate stress and get support. 

Sadly, mothers who enjoy activities that involve leaving the house to support their mental health during the postpartum period do not have that option while there is a stay at home order. This may cause their baby blues to become more and more intense. 

Although many mommy coping strategies may not be available at this time, there are ways to get through a postpartum quarantine. 

In order to support you, I have created a postpartum quarantine survival kit. Let’s take a look at what’s inside:

1: Mindfulness: Know that any feelings you have whether positive or negative are okay. Whenever you have negative feelings, take a moment to honor that feeling, then allow it to pass. Tune into how that feeling affects your body. Take deep breaths, and imagine any discomfort leaving your body with every exhale. Try to bring your focus to gratitude and positive feelings you may have. Breathe those feelings in with every inhale and notice how those feelings affect your body as well. Breathe in all that is good, and exhale all that does not serve you. 

2: Sleep: Easier said than done…I know. You may think “How am I supposed to sleep when my baby is up all night, and I need to get things done during the day?” Well, as true as this is, you may find that since your partner or other members of the family are quarantined with you, they may be available to help out more so you can get some rest. 

3: Remote Socializing: It may not be the same as in person, but it is better than nothing. You may find that FaceTiming friends and family or joining online groups is just what you need for your social support. 

4: Exercise: If you are cleared by your doctor to do even the minimal amount of exercise, a walk around the neighborhood or even around the house could help elevate your mood. If you are allowed to do more intense exercise, consider a postpartum workout video. There are so many free ones available online. Even ones you can do with your baby. 

5: Sunlight: Even if you don’t live in a sunny place, open the blinds to bring in natural light. Not only will the light increase serotonin to elevate your mood, it will also provide you and your baby with vitamin D which will help boost your immune system. 

6: Aromatherapy: Invest in some candles and essential oils to create a relaxing ambiance.

7: Take a hot shower or warm bath: This will help lower your blood pressure when you are feeling stressed as well as help relieve any muscle pain you may be experiencing, especially from giving birth and carrying a baby around all day. 

8: Create a Mantra: Ooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm! Having a mantra you recite can be calming for you and your baby. My baby tends to fall asleep if I chant “OM” over and over again. 

9: Skin to Skin: Since you are not going out, you will have more time for this. Skin to skin contact is not only calming for your baby, but also helps release hormones that lower stress levels. On top of that, it boosts your baby’s immune system. So hopefully, quarantine will actually make your baby healthier!

10: Music: Listening to music is therapeutic, soothing and supports your baby’s development. You can even make it fun by having a dance party with your baby and family! 

11: Smile and laugh: I know it can be difficult when you are overwhelmed, but try to allow yourself to laugh and smile whenever you can. It will help you relax. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for the baby. It will help them feel safe and secure. 

12: Acceptance: Yes, having to quarantine because of a global pandemic sucks! And…it will pass! Try to accept that this is something temporary and outside of your control. Then, focus on the things you can control like using this survival kit. You are strong and will get through this. You already have proved how powerful and capable you are by bringing your baby into the world. We may be in a state of emergency, and you have the tools to get through it! 

Dr. Jane Shomof