Save Your Money — 7 Newborn Products You Don’t Need

Pregnant woman sitting on bed and holding a newborn onesie

Let’s be real... 

Shopping for a newborn is both undeniably enjoyable and completely overwhelming, especially for a first-time mom. And unless you have a trusted mom friend or relative that can help guide you through the aisles, it can feel like there is just a mountain of stuff, all marketed with guarantees to make life with baby easier. But how do we figure out exactly what we need when there’s such a wide variety of different gadgets and accessories? Do infants really need all these items???

The baby product industry is booming. According to Statista, baby and child skincare products made over $361 million in sales in the U.S. alone, and a report by Grand View Research, Inc. revealed that the global baby product market size is expected to reach 16.78 billion by 2025.   

This means that you are not the only one clicking ‘buy now’ on all the targeted ads you’re getting… These people are good at their jobs! So, mama, when you find yourself utterly baffled by how much there is to buy, keep in mind these four handy reminders: 

  1. Infants just need a few basic essentials. Nothing flashy. Nothing fancy. Most of the items you’ll see on the shelves are nice-to-haves, but not entirely necessary.  

  2. They grow so fast! Avoid stocking up on one size out of fear they won’t have enough clothes.  

  3. It’s okay to wait. The first few weeks with baby will be all about trial and error. Once you learn about your baby’s unique needs, you’ll be able to make more intentional purchases that save you time and money.  

  4. What works for others may not work for you. It’s inevitable that you’ll get differing opinions on what you need and what you don’t need. In fact, some items you’ll see on this list may have been a life-saver for other moms. And that’s okay! We’re all learning and growing together. 

Remember that these are just our suggestions - mamahood is about you and your preferences, so take this with a grain of salt. 

For the newborn stage, here are seven common baby products you don’t really need (in our opinion):  

1. Shoes/Booties  

I know, I know. Baby shoes and booties are VERY cute (and can be memorable keepsakes), but outside of family portraits and fun milestone photos, babies just don’t need them. Wait until they’re mobile to start investing in those cute shoes. Besides, infant clothing should have footies, so there isn’t a need to cover their feet. (Even when they’re toddlers, they rarely stay on their feet for long.)

Alternative: If you want to keep their feet warm, you can invest in some socks! But don’t go overboard here either because some babies just hate wearing things on their feet! 

2. Wipe Warmer  

To be totally honest, I thought I definitely needed one of these to keep my baby comfortable. But in reality, it didn’t bother her to have wet wipes, and she got used to it quickly. Wipe warmers are good in theory, and if you live in an area with cold weather, that may be a good reason to invest in one or add it to your registry so you can try it out for yourself. If you’re on the fence, here are some experiences that other moms have had with wipe warmers to consider before you make your purchase: 

  • Your baby gets used to warm wipes and may not react favorably to cold wipes. This can potentially be a challenge if your child goes to daycare where the wipe warmer is unavailable. Some warmers dry out the wipes. 

  • Wipe warmers can be a fire hazard in some cases. 

  • Due to the warmth and wetness, warmers can potentially be a host for bacteria.   

  • Wipe warmers are less practical than anticipated.  

Ultimately, you won’t really know if this product will work for you or not until you try it. But based on personal experience, it may be considered more of a luxury purchase than an actual necessity.

3. A large number of newborn clothes 

At my own baby shower, I received a ton of newborn clothes, but even then I wondered if I truly had enough. So, naturally, I bought more.

In hindsight, I wish I didn’t because I simply had too many… And babies grow so fast! 

Sadly, some of those super cute clothes I swore I’d dress her up in never saw the light of day...truly tragic. Now, they’re either in storage, have been donated, or given to another family. (Pro tip: donating and sharing with friends are both awesome ways to unload!)    

Most newborns, unless they’re a preemie, only wear newborn-size clothing for a couple of most. So while these little outfits are the most adorable things you’ve ever seen,  most of them will never be worn. Stick with the 0-3 month clothing if you feel like you need to fill up those drawers. 

And, remember to be intentional with your choices. Go for easy-to-put-on clothing. For example, sleepers with a zipper or magnet (not buttons) saved this tired mama from extra hassle and effort. Save yourself some time, energy, and sanity by buying smart. 

4. Multiple Diaper bags 

You only need one durable, practical diaper bag… and it doesn’t even really need to be a diaper bag. A messenger bag or backpack can even do the trick. But if a diaper bag is calling your name, go for it.  

Just make sure it suits your needs, meaning it’ll hold the essentials: extra diapers, wipes, clothing, bottles, changing pad, snacks, etc. My recommendation would be a diaper bag that also acts as a backpack because it frees up your arms and doesn’t take a toll on one shoulder. 

5. Pacifier wipes  

Appealing, but not necessary. Good ol’ soap and water will clean off the pacifiers just fine. Will pacifiers inevitably get flung around the house, dropped in random places, and get dirty 24/7? Of course! Just keep an eye on your baby’s paci and wash them regularly. 

6. Stuffed animals  

Stuffed animals are a perfect example of what can definitely wait until your babe is a little older. They’re cute as nursery decorations for now, but ultimately, if placed in a crib, stuffed animals can increase the risk of SIDS or suffocation. So if you love the little furry friends you’ve bought, just be mindful of their placement around your newborn. And trust me, your little one will appreciate their toys much more when they’re a bit older, so no rush on filling the toy drawers just yet.

7. Baby food maker 

You don’t need this for your newborn… yet. You’ll either be breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination of both. And until it’s time for purees or solid foods, this purchase will just take up space on your counter.  

Baby food makers are similar in function to blenders or food processors, so if you have either of those appliances at home, you’re already covered!   


Mama, we hope this list helps you narrow down the non-essentials for life with baby. While these items have certainly worked for some moms, they may not work for you — don’t feel guilty for not splurging on one or simply passing on all of them until you really know what would be helpful once baby has arrived.   

And as we head fully into the holiday season, if you’re looking for some motherhood essentials, remember that we’re here for you, and we have support packages for every mama. The holidays can be tough, but so are you. 

If you need extra support when it comes to your emotional wellbeing, we’ve got your back. 

You can schedule your FREE consultation with us here.